Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Eraser Stamps so far...

24 stamps already!

That's halfway through my box of 48! Not bad right?

Decided to look through my designs so far and pick out the Arashi related ones. As it turns out... Not much. Lol. I basically have 5 Arashi logos, 1 kanji, and 1 Korosensei.

I'd really love to carve some Arashi chibis... BUT. I'm no good at drawing chibis. Guess I have to find some Arashi chibis to copy or something...

Monday, February 8, 2016

Eraser Stamp No. 24: Korosensei

A cute korosensei stamp this time!

Yes. It's Chinese New year holidays and so I've got a lot of time on my hands. And since I don't feel like doing any work... It's arts and crafts time! Which means eraser carvings! And loads of updates in this blog!

I wanted to schedule the posts but... What the heck. I've got so many pieces of art works coming in that I don't feel like waiting to show them off. Lol. Not that I've got any visitors here though.... XD

Anyway. Here it is! Korosensei!

I got this Korosensei clip + magnet with the wall calendar I got. I swear I wanted the desktop calendar. But what the heck. I ordered the wrong thing and got a huge wall calendar instead... ><

Oh wells.

At least I found a place for it on the wall now....

That's the wall calendar lying on my bed, still in all it's bubble wrapped glory.

And the wall calendar... on the wall. Yes yes, the side is kinda blocked. No space... Hmm. Just realised... why is it still on January! Even though the mochi making is appropriate for today since it's the Chinese New Year (making/eating mochi on New Year's day is a Japanese tradition, only that now they follow the western calendar). I swear I flipped it up already. Must have fallen back down cos I didn't clip it in that plastic binder thing at the top properly. 

Anyway, here's the Korosensei magnet/clip that I based my stamp on. As you can see, Korosensei is actually really easy to draw.

Just finished the carving! Next up is the test inking!


Not a single change to be made. Well, it's a really simple design after all. I actually wanted to use the gold ink pad... But alas! That stupid thing is DRIED OUT. And I just opened it too. Sigh. No wonder those ink pads were just $1.90 each. The sliver and bronze that I bought on the same day are working though. Guess I'll have to get a gold ink pad when I visit the bookstore. Luckily I bought a yellow one the other day :)

And that's the stamp again. That's all for now folks!

Eraser Stamp No. 23: Arashi kanji

So... I thought I'll try my hand at a pretty, calligraphy like Arashi kanji.

The result was a kanji that looked nothing like calligraphy...

But hey, I drew that free hand with not draft, no printing of a mirror image kanji to look at... Oh wells. I need to figure out how to transfer a print to the eraser...

Halfway through the carving process...

The finished product. I had to do quite a bit of refinement with this one, the lines were way too thick initially and ended up looking all stuck together when printing. Compare the top red kanji and the bottom one. The bottom one has better defined strokes.

Also... I was way too enthusiastic with stamping on the sponge type of ink pad, and sunk the eraser all the way in. Even the deepest grooves were filled with ink and I had trouble wiping off the ink in the grooves! Here in this picture, you see less of the inked grooves because I'd already widened some of the grooves.

Eraser stamp No. 22: Circles

Finally! An eraser stamp!

I drew this one halfway long ago... Finally decided to 'finish it' by adding that largest circle...

It still looks pretty empty, but I had no idea what else/where else to add in anymore so... I just proceeded with the carving.

Drawing: Poodle

A little poodle that I drew for use in Nihongo Manabu. Not that a simple pencil drawing really... brightens up the post but whatever...

Drew it in 5 minutes while looking at poodle drawings on google.

I say it's decent for a first effort. Hey at least... you can tell it's a poodle right? I was expecting it to turn out much worst....

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Digital Art: An ugly monkey

I actually started this one quite a while back. Since 2016 is the year of the Monkey on the Chinese Zodiac... What better way to celebrate than to make a little digital monkey, right?

Unfortunately, it couldn't be hard to make it on Assembly.

In spite of all the animal packs... There's nothing quite there for making monkeys amongst all that shapes. Ok. Other more talented artist will certainly have better luck than me. But alas, all I can manage is this poor excuse of a monkey...

What a year

What a crazy, hectic start to the year.

Been a whole month and I've not got a single art work done...

Chinese New Year is just upon us...

I'd love to get some sort of art done today...

Let's see if I can actually get anything out hahaha.

I could use some art right not. Art therapy. Yeah. Too much stuff going on in my life at the moment. I could use a a little quiet downtime...